SSC JOBS 2024 Staff Selection Commission will hold Combined Graduate Level Examination, 2024 for filling up of various Group ‘B’ and Group ‘C’ posts in different Ministries/ Departments/ Organizations of Government of India and various Constitutional Bodies/ Statutory Bodies/ Tribunals, etc. The details of the examination are as follows:
IMP Note :
- 15000+Govt jobs 2024 Click Here
- 12548+Latest jobs 2024 Click Here
- Vacancies Details :
- Qualification :
- Important Dates :
- Apply mode :
- Application Fee :
- Age Relaxation :
- Online Application Link:
- Official Notification pdf :
- ✅ ముఖ్య గమనిక:
- How to apply:SSC JOBS 2024

- Details of the Posts: Following are the likely posts that will be filled up through this Examination:

Total Vacancies : 17727
Any Degree Pass

Application mode is “Online‘ only (Link is given Below)
- Fee payable: 100/- (Rs one hundred only)
- SC,ST,PWD,WOMAN and Ex-servicemen : EXEMPTED from payment of fee

ఈ ఉద్యోగానికి సంబంధించిన ఈ పూర్తి సమాచారాన్ని మీ ఫ్రెండ్స్ కి మరియు ఫామిలీ మెంబెర్స్ కి అందరికి తెలిసెల ఇప్పుడే షేర్ చేయండి.మీకు ఈ నోటిఫికేషన్ గురించి ఏమయినా డౌట్స్ ఉంటే క్రింద కామెంట్ రూపం లో అడగండి నేను మీకు రెస్పొండ్ అవుతాను.
ఎప్పటికి అప్పుడు తెలంగాణ ఆంధ్రప్రదేశ్ లోని అన్ని రకాల” UPDATED ” ఉద్యోగ నోటిఫికేషన్ లను ప్రతీ నిరుద్యోగికి అందించడం జరుగుతుంది.
9.1 Applications must be submitted only in online mode at the new website of
SSC Headquarter i.e. detailed instructions, please refer to
Annexure-III and Annexure-IV. Sample proforma of One-time Registration and
online Application Form are attached as Annexure-IIIA and Annexure-IVA
respectively.SSC JOBS 2024
9.2 All the candidates who wish to apply in response to this Notice and have not
generated their One-Time Registration (OTR) on the new website (
will be required to do so as the earlier OTR generated on the old website
( will not be functional for the new website. Subsequent to OTR, the
candidates can proceed to fill the application for the examination. Once an OTR has
been generated on the new website, it will continue to remain valid for all the
examinations to be applied for on the new website. The detailed instructions for OTR
are given in Annexure-III to this Notice.SSC JOBS 2024
9.3 For applying, the candidate is not required to have a pre-existing
photograph of himself / herself. The application module has been designed to
capture a photograph of the candidate filling up the application form. For this
purpose, the candidate has to stand / sit before the camera when prompted by
the application module and follow the following instructions while capturing the
(i) Find a place with good light and plain background.
(ii) Ensure the camera is at eye level before taking the photo.
(iii) Position himself directly in front of the camera and look straight ahead.
(iv) Ensure that his face is fully inside the red rectangular area delineated by the
camera and that it is neither too close nor too far. It should cover the area fully
and no part of the face should be outside the rectangle.
(v) Candidates shouldn’t wear a cap, mask or glasses/spectacles while capturing
the photo.SSC JOBS 2024
9.4 The appearance of a candidate in the examination should be as per the
photograph in the application form. The candidates should ensure that the photograph
captured is clear, without cap or spectacles, and with a full frontal view. Applications
with photographs not in accordance with the instructions are liable to be rejected. In
no case should the candidate capture the photographs of his/her pre-existing
photograph. All such applications where the photographs of his/her pre-existing
photograph is captured will be rejected.
9.5 Before submitting the Application Form, candidate must ensure that the
photograph is uploaded as per the given instructions. If the photograph is not
uploaded by the candidate in the desired format, his application/candidature will be
rejected or cancelled.SSC JOBS 2024
9.6 Candidates are required to upload the scanned signature in JPEG/JPG format
(10 to 20 KB). Image dimension of the signature should be about 6.0 cm (width) x 2.0
cm (height). Applications with inappropriate photographs or blurred/miniature
signatures, not meeting the above requirements, will be rejected summarily.
9.7 Last date and time for submission of online applications is 24-07-2024
(23:00).SSC JOBS 2024
9.8 Candidates are advised in their own interest to submit the online application
much before the closing date and not to wait till the last date to avoid the possibility
of disconnection/ inability or failure to login to the SSC website on account of heavy
load on the website during the closing days.
9.9 The Commission will not be responsible for the candidates not being able to
submit their applications within the last date on account of the aforesaid reasons or
for any other reason beyond the control of the Commission.
9.10 Before submission of the online application, candidates must check
through Preview/ Print option that they have filled correct details in each field of
the form. They should also check that photograph and signature are meeting all
the above requirements. Candidates are advised to keep a copy of the